Sunday 26 June 2011

iPhone bags

It looks like everybody has an iPhone these days. If not the iPhone, than any kind of touch phones. If you're one of those lucky people, you need a bag that suits your new phone, right? These bags are slightly bigger than those for ordinary cell phone - perfect for iPhone or Blackberry. They are made from quality upholstery fabric and cotton or silk for interial.
Did I mention they are all unique, one of a kind? Loads of friend can have iPhone just like yours, but no one will have the same iPhone bag as you. Price? 14 €. 

More info? Contact me at


  1. Dobro nastavljena reklama. Veljalo bi jo še kam na bolj vidno mesto zapisati :). Etuiji so luštni.
    Lep teden.♥

  2. Cool, dobro si to napisala, da prijatelji lahko imajo enake telefone, ne bodo pa imeli enakih torbic :)) Super so. Samo jaz nisem ljubitelj strašnih telefonov, imam namenoma enega čisto navadnega, s katerim lahko samo telefoniram in pošiljam sms-e in mms-e ;)) Če bom pa videla kakšnega iPhona, ki ga zebe, pa vsekakor povem, kje se dobijo torbice zanj.

  3. O lepo zalogico si naredila. Prav luštno izgledajo. Upam da kmalu najdejo prebivalce.

  4. Your phone holders are fantastic. Loving your photos too and those old buildings in the background of the first photo. Lucky you having such scenery.
