Monday, 28 May 2012

Art fair in park Tabor

This blog post is an invitation for all my lovely readers.
On 31th of May there will be an Art fair in Tabor park from 2 PM until 6 PM. If you have time and will be in Ljubljana, please stop by and say hi. The more the merrier :)

I'll be there with plenty of my bags. On my stall there will be:
20 shoping bags (a few are brand new, I made them past weekend)

17 different keychains

45 different coin and make up bags

8 mini frame purses (some brand new, I finnished them this morning)

Other size frame purses, cell and iPhone bags. Unfortunately I won't be selling any handbags or shoulder bags - simply because there won't be enough place on the stall.

I hope I'll see you on Thursday afternoon, if not, have a great week!


  1. Enjoy a lot, and sell a lot
    I have a frien in Ljubiana. He is teacher in the university....

  2. Superca, želim ti odlično prodajo. Sem se imela namen tudi sama prijaviti, ampak mi dan in čas ni ustrezal. Pa morda kdaj drugič. Imejte se fino.

    1. Prihodnji sejmi bodo ob sobotah. Pridi, več nas bo, bolj bo lušno. Zaenkrat samo upamo na lepo vreme.

  3. ej, bravo Kristina! Mi je žal, da si ne bom zadeve v živo ogledala, ampak pridem gotovo kakšno soboto.
    Naj bo lepo!
