Monday, 8 November 2010

His Majesy the sewing machine

Everyone who sews knows it is importain to have a good sewing machine. The sewing machine can make your sewing projects easier or it can make your day living hell. Somedays I would just love to throw my sewing machine out the window. But then I think "be patient, this machine is an oldie" and it's not mine, it belongs to my mother. She bought it when she got married, nearly 36 years ago. It irriates me when I have just a little bit to sew, but the machine does't want to cooperate. It irritates me even more when I'm in a hurry. Sometimes I think the machine has a mind and a caracter of it's own and it's quite a lot in a bad mood. Maybe it would be time to buy another sewing machine. Maybe if I tell the sewing machine, I'm going to replace it, it would behave itself. What do you think? Which would you recommend?


  1. Jaz sem se pred kratkim spustila v dogodivščino, ki se ji reče spoznavanje s šival. strojem. Moram reči, da so mašince ena trmasta bitja. Do sedaj mi še ni uspelo cele vrste lepo zašit. Zgornji zukanes mi vedno pretrga. Hm!?
    Če ti tvoja preveč nagaja, ji kupi prijateljico, tole pa le obdrži. Nikoli ne veš :)
    Lep teden.

  2. I have never owned one, nor I can't sew. But I remember my granny has this black singer, and she is still operating it till now!

  3. Tale je pa dobra, mislim da ima moja mama čisto enako 'zadevico' doma in jaz vsega znanja željna, se podam drugič v življenju za šivalni stroj in prav za takšnega falota. Saj je šlo, ampak vse skupaj se mi je zdelo zakomplicirano in predvsem neravno :))) Nikakor nisem uspela naredit ravne šive. Vse skupaj sem pripisala sebi in svoji nenavajenosti. Pa sem se sprobala še na drugem, novejšem maminem šivalnem stroju. aaaaaaaaaa, kakšna razlika, tam je šlo vse kot po maslu. Roke so bile mirne, šivi ravni in šivanje pravi užitek. Čeprav sem za klasike, ampak tale mašinca je res trmasta in svojeglava.
