Monday, 24 September 2012


Apparently Etsians are known for their insipred packaging. I have to agree. I remember when I bought first pair of earings on Etsy, they were so wonderfully packaged! It felt I was getting a gift when I opened the package. 

I absolutely  l-o-v-e  wrapping. I think it makes receiving handmade items a bit more special and it tells a lot about the shop. Obviously when I'm selling at Art markets I don't have time to wrap, so I use simple white craft paper bags and thank you tape. But when I sell on Etsy I take more time and effort in wrapping.

White paper bag, washi tape, ribbon and MOO mini card. This package below was sent to Ireland.

What's missing? Oh, yes, thank you card! This package in waiting for Nina to collect it at ARTish. 

I also stamped all paper bags with lovely rubber stamp I bought on Etsy. Sorry for terrible photo, but it says Handmade and For you.

Do you like wrapping too? Or receiving everything wrapped? Here are some simple, but very lovely ideas. 

I love this one too and I think I'll use it, since I have loads of fabric scraps.

If you'd like more ideas, you must check Etsy blog Packaging Inspirations.


  1. Beyond using a special ribbon that's one of my shop colors I don't use decorative packaging. I package my knit items so they arrive dry and safe.

    1. ...I do think the packaging ideas you shared are VERY cute and I always add a business card to my ribbon too. TFS!

  2. Izjemno pomebno mi je, kako je darilce zavito, včasih zavitek prekaša vsebino :)). Tudi sam dam velik pomen zavijanju. Všeč mi je rdeča-natur varianta, ki si jo predstavila, sicer pa je možnosti res ogromno.:)

  3. I love beautifully wrapped packages and little thank you notes, although I am the WORST wrapper in the world, most of the time I just use gift bags so the thing doesn't look badly mangled ;o)

    1. Hi, Katy, you can use some of the simple ideas from my post.

  4. I absolutely love wrapping. I also like to take it as an exercise in altruism: we apply ourselves in creating a really pretty package, knowing that someone is going to love it, then destroy it...

    1. Interesting point of view! I'm still going to wrap sold bags nicely.

  5. Z zavijanjem je pri meni tako. Ko mi je in se pošteno lotim, mi je to opravilo zelo všeč in rada gledam potem obdarjence, ki jim zažarijo oči že ob pogledu na paket. Ampak to se mi ne da vedno in včasih se na koncu poslužim stare dobre darilne vrečke. Packa jaz :)))

    1. Tudi jaz sem včasih lena in se poslužujem darilne vrečke ;)

  6. Tudi jaz se zadnje čase poslužujem darilnih vrečk, čeprav nisem pristaš tega. Lepo zavita darila so mi veliko bolj všeč, ker dajo tisto dodatno sporočilo obdarjencu.
