Monday, 2 January 2012

The longest night

Hi everyone! Did you have a great time with family and friends on the new years eve?

For me it was one of the longest nights ever - quite literally. My Irish Setter Flora had an urgent operation. She was restless and without success tried to vomint on the evening of the 31th of  December. I know all about bloat, so when she had the symptoms (read more about bloat and the symptoms here), I rushed her to the animal hospital and a few hours later she went through very much needed operation. It was a long night siting on the steps in front of the surgery waiting and praying all goes well. And it did. She spent the following day and two nights in their care, but she is home now. She was relieved into my care this morning with a lot of medications (antibiotics, pain killers etc.). She had something to eat, because she wouldn't eat at all in the hospital and is now sleeping. Thanx God I live close to the animal hospital (10 minutes drive), thanx God the veterinarian on duty was a surgeon and thanx God all the rest of the team rushed into the hospital quickly. Certainly not a night I would ever like to repeat.

I wish you all a very happy, creative and above all healthy year 2012!


  1. Uhh, tole pa res ni noč, ki bi si jo želel ponavljati. držim pesti, da boste zdaj OK.
    Srečno in predvsem zdravo 2012.

  2. Aww, sorry to hear Flora gave you such a scare, hope she's feeling much better soon, happy new year to you both!

  3. Ojej tole pa res ni bilo prijetno. Glavno da se je dobro izteklo. Kar ckrljaj jo, si zasluži.

  4. No, tole je pa prava groza. Sem šla prav prebrat več o tem, ker tega nisem poznala. Res hvala Bogu, da si ti vedela vse o tem in takoj ukrepala. Tvoji psički želim hitro okrevanje, tebi pa eno veselo, prijazno in zdravo leto.

  5. Ti nič ne zavidam takole stanje. Želim ji hitro okrevanje, tebi pa bolj breskrbno leto 2012.♥

  6. Tole je pa moralo biti hudo! Upam, da si bo Florca čimprej opomogla- Držim pesti in mislim na vaju!
