Monday, 19 September 2011

A fraction of fall collection

Hi. It's been a while since I've blogged. Yes, I know. I've been busy making the fall collection. But that's not all. My camera has had some issues. Or maybe the batteries - they're empty all the time, even the moment I charge them. Beats me. Now, how can I show you my new collection if I can't make photos?

That's all I can show at the moment because those were made a while ago. Some of you might already see it on my facebook or Flickr profile. If not, here you go:

Until next time....


  1. Te majhne torbičke so res pravi cukri. Jesenski vzorci so zanimivi...le kaj boš izbrala za zimsko kolekcijo.

  2. Jesenske zadevice so zame pisane na kožo in prav zato mi je tvoja jesenska kolekcija zelo blizu :). Pa ti dve torbici sta tudi krasni, posebej prva mi je zelo všeč s tem vzorcem.

  3. F in F medijev ne spremljam več, zato sem prav vesela da si se odločila svoje lepotke pokazati tudi na blogu. Čedna jesenska kolekcija.
