Thursday, 28 October 2010

A very special bag for a very special girl

Luna is a teenage girl whom I send red giveaway bag, but unfortunaly the bag was somehow lost in space. Grrrr, was I disappointed and angry!

I promised Luna to make her a new bag. She prefered cold colours, so I made this stripped bag dominated by green and blue. The material in from Ka international and was bought in Studio Domicil. Needless to say, this was also a give away bag, I like making people happy ;) I hope Luna will like her new bag.


  1. Hvala za komentarje na mojem blogu.Z veseljem te vabim, da se še kdaj oglasiš.:)

    Lep pozdrav.

  2. Mi je zelo všeč ta barvna kombinacija in lepo se poda v košarico :)

  3. Hvala, matilda :) Upam, da je Luni ravno tako všeč.

  4. res hvala za novo torbico.. ki mi je full lepaa. hvala da ste mi jo ponovno sesili.. :D in na sreco se ta ni zgubila. :D
    hvala ..
    Lunaa. ;)
